Chatbot for Small Businesses: What are the Best Models?
A chatbot for small businesses is not that different from a chatbot for large companies. You both have websites. You both need leads. That’s it!
A chatbot for small businesses is not that different from a chatbot for large companies. You both have websites. You both need leads. That’s it!
Personalized marketing is the best way to make any marketing strategy soar high in the sky. But how does it work? Where to start?
There’s a big difference between chatbots and virtual assistants. They operate in different levels to achieve different results. What makes ’em tick?
Conversational Marketing is here to stay, and you should be using it. In this article you’ll find out why and how to start today.
How are your stats for website conversion? This type of conversion is much easier than social media. Are you exploring it’s true potential?
To create and implement a chatbot is just the tip of the iceberg. For a strategy to continue and for you to keep investing in a tool, it is essential to analyze its metrics, in this case, the chatbot metrics. Think with me, how will you know that people are interacting with your chatbot, which…
Can you believe that a single conversational marketing platform can triple your leads in a couple of weeks? Well, this article explains it all.
Lead generation is a necessitytoday just like the printed media was in 1800’s advertising. Don’t do it yet? See how you can start.
Yes, you WILL triple your conversions. This article explains why, but you’ll only know for real when you try our chatbot. What do you say?
These days, any specialized publication in the corporate world is talking about AI in business in some way. It could be a blog, an internal newspaper, a magazine, or a TV channel — everyone wants to know exactly how AI is being used today to transform businesses, accelerate production, and scale complicated projects. And you…
Wanna know the positive aspects of artificial intelligence? Well, we talk about them here in this article. And the other ones too. Check it out!
There are three main ways to create a WhatsApp Chatbot. We delve a little deeper in all of them to understand which is the best one.
What’s better: talking to a salesperson or a sales chatbot? For most people, it’s the latter. But why? Let’s try and find out!
Do you know what a conversational marketing chatbot is? Probably. But do you know the results they often bring? In this article you’ll find out.
Everybody is talking about it. It seems so simple that it’s a little weird to ask how to use ChatGPT. But trust me: these examples will help you a lot.
Check out our big list, with examples, and decide which AI tool is the best for your image generating needs – desktop and smartphone included.
How do you do your digital marketing planning? Do you do it like most companies, leaving it to the marketing team to do everything and then present it? Or do you do it like successful companies, which integrate departments to deliver a plan that goes far beyond marketing but is a key piece of business…
Whether you are a business owner or a marketing and sales professional, you know that generating leads is one of the biggest challenges for a brand. This challenge is becoming increasingly complicated, as consumer behavior is changing, the attention window is smaller, the channels and media are the same and there is more competition in…
No more wasting time trying to find a common time between your company and your client or lead. The solution to gain more productivity and optimize the process, as well as having more meetings in your daily life is: integrate your chatbot with Google Calendar! And the best thing about all this is that you…
Nothing better than understanding artificial intelligence with content written by itself, right? But don’t worry, right now it’s still a real person talking to you. After this content, in addition to knowing the basics of AI and how to apply it in your company, you will also have an idea of how this type of…