Outbound Marketing: What It Is and When the Strategy Is the Best Option

Outbound Marketing: What It Is and When the Strategy Is the Best Option

Outbound Marketing might often be seen as synonymous with “traditional marketing,” but that doesn’t mean it’s obsolete today. “If I’m already using Inbound Marketing, why should I care about Outbound?” This is a question asked by many since 73% of marketing professionals use Inbound as their primary approach. Let us show you why Outbound Marketing…

How Video Marketing Can Assist in the Sales Process

How Video Marketing Can Assist in the Sales Process

Videos are a trend in marketing and branding. Videos have at least 40% more chances of generating user interactions or clicks compared to other media. Since lead generation is a crucial process that precedes sales, we should explore new ways to attract people interested in our brand or solution. And even better: discovering ways to…

How to Do Cross-Branding and Co-Branding? Complete Guide and 7 Examples

How to Do Cross-Branding and Co-Branding? Complete Guide and 7 Examples

Have You Heard About Cross-Branding and Co-Branding? These strategies have been used by major brands for years, and now, with digital marketing, they are becoming increasingly accessible. Every day, hundreds of brands are launching joint research, reports, and all kinds of materials. To launch such materials, special attention must be paid to the branding of…

Has Marketing 6.0 Arrived? What Does It Bring That’s Different?

Has Marketing 6.0 Arrived? What Does It Bring That’s Different?

Marketing 6.0 is the title of the new book by Phillip Kotler, along with Iwan Setiawan and Hermawan Kartajaya. Released at the end of 2023, it marks an important milestone in contemporary digital marketing. As always, Kotler is thinking ahead, envisioning the future while maintaining a sharp focus on the present. Everything presented in this…

 AI-Powered Customer Service: What You Can Do Today

 AI-Powered Customer Service: What You Can Do Today

The world is revolving around AI, and it’s becoming hard to distinguish what’s possible from what’s merely a promise in AI-powered customer service. Most people want something very simple: a fully automated service, hassle-free, that works for contextual inquiries. For example, they want a system that works almost like magic — someone visits a website,…