Chatbot Messages Examples and How to Create Yours

Creating chatbot messages is as important as hiring one for your marketing operation.

The concept is similar to Copywriting: anyone can write an ad. Children write in school assignments. The difference lies in the content.

Content is where you win. And it’s for a simple reason: chatbot messages are one of the ways your brand communicates.

There are chatbots, like ours at Leadster, focused on lead generation. In these cases, chatbot messages are about performance.

And since we’re on this topic, let’s start expanding on this idea of content, brand voice, and performance?

What is a Chatbot?

A chatbot is software that simulates human conversations. That’s the basic idea.

ChatGPT, for example, is a natural language chatbot, based on Generative AI.

For marketing and lead generation, a chatbot is more specific. It’s software on your website that engages visitors in a personalized way.

The chatbot offers tailored approaches based on your site’s pages and content, increasing lead generation.

With your strategy in place, the chatbot engages visitors considering what they are currently reading.

For example: if a visitor is reading about “Increasing lead conversion in a university,” the chatbot might say, “Do you work at a university? Want to increase your leads?”

The same applies when a visitor clicks on an ad and lands on a page with a chatbot configured.

In both cases, conversion increases due to personalized CTAs tailored not just to the page content but also to the visitor’s source channel.

But that’s one type of chatbot. There are others, with the most common alongside lead generation being customer service bots. Shall we explore their differences before moving on?

Differences Between Customer Service and Lead Generation Chatbots

The differences are clear, and the messages for chatbots need to reflect these differences.

Customer service chatbots handle support queries like complaints, product/service inquiries, etc.

Their primary function is to address issues, understand the problem, and respond until resolved.

Zendesk, for example, excels in customer service chatbots, a core feature of its integrated customer experience platform.

But what about potential customers, those starting their journey with your brand, entering your marketing and sales funnel?

Here’s where lead generation chatbots, our specialty at Leadster, come in. Customer experience is crucial for generating repeat purchases, recommendations, and brand advocates. However, lead generation drives long-term sales.

The difference lies in their core concepts, influencing the type of chatbot messages required.

For lead generation, crafting chatbot messages requires skills akin to a copywriter and media analyst.

Let’s delve into this:

Creating a Lead Generation Strategy with Chatbots

Crafting chatbot messages won’t be as complex as you make it.

You can keep it simple with the same message across all site pages—a single flow conveying the same content in every category.

Alternatively, you could devise a complex strategy with varied chatbot messages tailored for different scenarios.

Emphasis on diverse messages for each occasion—that’s the cornerstone of Conversational Marketing. Complete personalization through such strategies significantly boosts conversion rates.

At Leadster, for instance, you can personalize approaches by:

  • Exact URLs
  • Keywords in URLs
  • Segments of URLs
  • Website domains
  • Homepages
  • Traffic sources: Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads
  • URL parameters—refer to our guide on the topic.

Lead generation strategies with chatbots can be as intricate as you desire. To maximize conversion rates, consider not only crafting messages but also going a step further.

How far? Find out now:

Step 1: Attracting and Converting Visitors

It’s a crucial step. Some brands skip it because they already attract considerable website traffic.

Visitor attraction happens via two main routes: quick (through ads on platforms like Google Ads and Social Ads) and long-term (via organic traffic).

If your site lacks content variety, produce more. If ad efforts are insufficient, it’s time to start. Chatbots for lead generation are vital cogs in your marketing strategy, requiring traffic.

Step 2: Organizing Your Pages and Categories

Before even considering chatbot messages, organize your site’s publication types.

This categorization helps determine the right chatbot messages for each page, based on their content and traffic sources.

Do you have your website pages well-categorized according to their purpose?

If not, this is your first step. Categorize your pages based on their role in the customer journey.

Ensure links to these pages are neatly saved in a spreadsheet. You’ll need them for the next step:

Step 3: Creating Flows

Here’s where you put your page categorization to the test—creating flows within the chatbot platform.

Suppose during organization, you identified five pages showcasing your company’s success stories. Now, create a flow within the chatbot and insert links to these pages.

Each flow gathers a series of links. The goal is uniformity in chatbot messages across these links, with A/B testing capabilities.

Step 4: Crafting Chatbot Messages

Notice how crafting chatbot messages is the final step? Everything before this is crucial groundwork for your strategy.

Now, crafting messages becomes more precise. You’re not shooting in the dark; you’ve prepared for the right message to meet the right person at the right time.

The challenge here is creating these messages. Creativity is key, but understanding your target audience is paramount.

But hey, these are recommendations for achieving the best possible results using a chatbot to generate leads. You’ll learn as you use the platform which are the best chatbot messages for your segment and website.

It’s a process. If you want to accelerate and optimize it, stay with me as we dive into some very specific examples to understand the role of chatbot messages in lead generation.

Starting now:

5 Chatbot Messages Divided by Strategy

For now, let’s illustrate the strategy in a straightforward manner. Let’s consider hypothetical examples to understand how this entire process, from organization to chatbot messages, functions.

But don’t worry, towards the end of the article, I’ve included a list of 30 successful call examples for chatbots. Many of these are used right here at Leadster.

For now, let’s take a general overview to understand the strategic functioning of chatbots. Throughout this topic, I’ve also brought in some case studies of companies that followed these steps and achieved success.

Shall we?

Chatbot Messages for Bottom of Funnel

The first example: you’ve organized all your pages and separated them on your site according to their stage in the sales funnel — you have top, middle, and bottom of the funnel all organized.

Okay! Now what? Simple: you’ll need to set up the chatbot for a personalized message in the Bottom of Funnel flow.

But of course, you can also have several different messages for this stage, considering the nature of the page your visitor is on.

If it’s an article in the Bottom of Funnel blog, for example, you can use a text like this:

🤖 Interested in a no-obligation chat with a specialist?

This is the work you’ll have to do to configure chatbot messages. One line for a question, and a few more related to the type of information you need.

And you only need to do it once so that all your selected Bottom of Funnel pages display the same message and capture more leads.

Phrases for Lead Generation Focused Chatbots

And at the Top of Funnel? Let’s forget for a moment about any Middle and Top strategies to understand exactly how chatbot messages can work to convert visitors into leads.

All your texts, pages, categories, and landing pages speak directly about something interesting to your reader, but as you organize, you realize that using the same message for all texts is counterproductive.

For example: you have three landing pages, each on a different subject. Most people access them through Google Ads ads — meaning they may never have had contact with your brand.

In this case, personalizing chatbot messages increases conversions because the visitor sees coherence from the ad copy to the moment of conversion.

An example. Suppose they are reading about career choices:

🤖 Learn more: download the Free UniB Career Guide today!

Still in the college example: a flow to talk about mental health. Another to talk about career choice. Another one talking about living alone. And so on. These flows will match what your visitor is reading — create one per Landing Page 😉

Chatbot Messages for Lead Qualification

And if the leads you want to work on need to be very specific?

For example: when we talk about Bottom of Funnel strategy, some leads are not suitable for your sales — they are not part of your Ideal Customer Profile, or ICP.

How could a chatbot solve this problem? By conducting quick lead qualification through selected questions and conversational approach.

A quick example from the beginning of a flow for you to know more:

🤖 Ready to talk business?

🙂 [YES]

🤖 Okay, I’ll put you in touch with our sales department. I just need to know a few things first…

And after that, you ask the lead qualification questions. This way, they arrive at sales already pre-qualified and with information that doesn’t need to be asked again, speeding up the meeting.

Phrases for Chatbots for Receiving Quotes

Bottom of Funnel pages also have variations among them. Some are even deeper in the Sales Funnel. For example: a text comparing competitor prices is Bottom of Funnel. But a Category page with all your products is even more so.

In this case, chatbots can work directly on pages, acting as an accessible and simple point to get a quote quickly.

This is even more valid with Bottom of Funnel ads. They usually have more expensive keywords due to their commercial nature, requiring more proactive customer service.

Imagine someone clicking on an ad about the price of a specific product. This ad takes the visitor to your site’s category page. There, they find several other related products beyond the advertised one.

This is when a chatbot steps in offering a simple quote and a personalized approach. See the example:

🤖 Hello, I see you’re interested in Product X. Want a quick quote?

🙂 [YES]

🤖 First, tell me your name, phone, and email!


🤖 Thank you. Would you prefer to receive the quote by email or WhatsApp?


🤖 Thank you: click the link to be redirected.

This strategy is even more effective in B2B companies, especially in industries that do not disclose product prices on the website, only through quotations.

This speeds up service and resolves everything with a few clicks, without the visitor needing to go to a contact page and switch tabs to note down their requests to send via a form.

Chatbots for SaaS Product Testing

There’s one more specific example I’d like to bring here. It’s quite interesting because it deals directly with a huge need for SaaS companies: getting more people to test their products.

In SaaS companies, demos are valued as one of the main ways to qualify a lead as an Opportunity — to move them to MQL or SQL status.

The challenge here is knowing which pages of your site are most suitable for inserting texts offering free trials. And then, creating a text in this style:

🤖 Reading helps. But knowing is only through testing. Get your free demo today!

Copywriting Techniques to Apply in Chatbots

Copywriting and chatbots go hand in hand. Mainly because chatbots operate through text, and that’s the entire realm of Copywriting.

The issue is that Copywriting techniques need to be adapted to the chatbot’s reality. Many were developed back in the 20th century when there was much more room for messages to stand out.

Most of the techniques we know today come from advertisers who created them for TV commercials, magazines, newspapers, billboards, and packaging.

Applying these principles unchanged in a chatbot won’t be as effective. Adaptation is necessary! But how? Here’s a quick list of 5 Copywriting techniques to apply in chatbots:

A.I.D.A. Technique

The acronym stands for “Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action.” This Copywriting model was widely used throughout the 20th century, especially in written advertisements — magazines, newspapers, and direct mail.

The idea of the technique is to evoke each of these feelings in order. Something that grabs the reader’s attention, something that piques their interest in the product, something that makes them desire it, and finally, an incentive to purchase — back then, it was a coupon.

For chatbots, this is quite challenging. You have less space than a tweet! You need to condense your message to the maximum to make these 4 points work effectively.

See how in the example below:

🤖 This article is human made! (attention). Our product is equal (interest): made by humans, for humans. Just using AI to help. (desire). Schedule a meeting and talk to the experts (action).

P.A.S Technique

The Problem – Agitation – Solution technique has been around since the late 19th century and was quite popular during the same period as the A.I.D.A. technique.

It was developed to address one of the biggest issues with using negatives in marketing: returns were always lower when the product was presented to solve a problem rather than to improve the consumer’s life.

For example, toothpaste sold much better when focusing on “fresh breath” rather than “protection against cavities.”

However, in digital marketing, especially in B2B, the technique has experienced a resurgence, becoming one of the most well-known alongside A.I.D.A., particularly due to the large number of products competing in today’s market and the specialization of industries.

Some products or services really need to focus on the problem. In these cases, the P.A.S. formula is the best solution.

Here’s an example of how it works:

🤖 Few leads (Problem) = Fewer sales (Agitation). Transform your strategy today with a lead generation chatbot (Solution).

Mental Triggers

Mental Triggers are persuasion techniques popularized by Robert Cialdini in his book “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion.”

These triggers are neuromarketing strategies — they aim to impact readers by triggering instinctive responses in all human beings.

For example, if you arrive at a place to buy soap and see there’s only one left, immediately that soap becomes more valuable, and you might even pay more for it.

There are several ways to work with Mental Triggers in chatbots. Instead of detailed examples, here’s a quick list of what they are:

  • Scarcity Trigger;
  • Social Proof Trigger;
  • Authority Trigger;
  • Novelty Trigger;
  • Urgency Trigger.

27 Chatbot Messages by Segment

So far, we’ve worked with chatbot strategy and shown how it can work in practice, right?

The last thing we need to discuss here in this article is what type of chatbot messages work well. And this is done with good examples.

But first, it’s important to note that the vast majority of chatbot messages need to be short, with a maximum of 50 or 60 characters.

The chatbot window is small, so too much text will hinder your conversion rate.

Another important point is to understand the different variations of your chatbot messages. In many cases, they will be very specific. In others, more general. And there are also messages that are specific to certain segments only.

With that in mind, here are 27 different calls to action, separated by segment, used by our clients and proven to generate leads.

These calls to action are present in our articles that delve deeper into the topic. Read more by clicking the links:

Legal Segment

According to the 2023 Lead Generation Overview, the legal segment has the highest conversion rate in the entire Brazilian market: 5.12% 🤯

Because of this, those who use chatbots to capture leads have more chances to reach this average and go beyond it. But what are the chatbot messages with the best conversion rates in the legal segment?

🌊 Let’s dive in:

🤖 Looking for Labor Lawyer? — 2.14% average conversion rate, excellent for the discovery stage as it is more general.

🤖 Let’s find out how we can help in your case? — 2% average conversion rate. Works well for the Interest stage of the Funnel, as it is more targeted.

🤖 Let’s proceed with your divorce? — 2% average conversion rate. Works best knowing what the lead was reading or following an ad via Google Ads, for example, as it is a more specific chatbot message.

Insurance Segment

We also have great results with the Insurance segment. And those who work in the area know the importance of extra support in conversion: the keywords of the ads are quite expensive, and the sector is highly competitive.

Let’s see the best chatbot messages for the Insurance segment:

🤖 Want to talk to our consultant right now? — 6.2% average conversion rate, a very high result! Great for people who land on the site through more general ads, this message uses consultative analysis as its main theme, offering an experience to the site visitor.

🤖 Let’s find out what the ideal plan is for you? — 6.6% average conversion rate, showing that a variation in the text, but not exactly in the message theme — the same consultative analysis — makes a big difference.

🤖 Want to check the Price for your Quotation in 5 min? — 6% average conversion rate, now combining consultative analysis with practicality (5 minutes).

B2B Segment

The segment is notorious for long negotiations and serious sales objections from clients. Difficult to handle, but not impossible.

With the right chatbot messages, you can get ahead of your competition and generate more leads. That’s the answer to a long negotiation: having more sales opportunities.

See the messages for chatbots with the highest conversion rate in the segment:

🤖 Want to know how (insert the main benefit your product delivers) — 3.6% average conversion rate.

🤖 Needing (insert the main need of the clients) — 3.2% average conversion rate.

🤖 Would you like to have access to our catalog with prices? — 3.2% average conversion rate.

Real Estate Segment

If B2B is competitive, the real estate segment is even more so. According to the Overview, the sector has the lowest conversion rate in the market: only 1.53%.

As proof that chatbot messages make a significant difference, you will notice that many of them even have an average conversion rate much higher than the overall segment.

Check it out:

🤖 Want to receive more details about this property on your WhatsApp? — 2.6% average conversion rate. For many people, this is a huge novelty. Until recently, getting more details was only done by talking directly to the broker, and the client had to make the call.

🤖 Need help finding the ideal property? — 2.4% conversion rate. Once again, the consultative approach in practice.

🤖 We have a special condition for you. Want to know what it is? — 2.6% conversion rate. Highlighting the curiosity trigger being used brilliantly here.

Software Segment

According to the Overview, the Software segment (especially SaaS) has the second lowest conversion rate in Brazil.

Yet another reason to work hard on your chatbot messages. They will help you achieve higher conversion rates. One indicator of this is that, like in the real estate segment, several CTAs have a higher conversion rate than the segment itself.

See the full list:

🤖 Want to know how (insert the main benefit your product delivers) — 4.2% conversion rate. Great job with the curiosity trigger and even more than that: this message shows what really matters to those who work with software.

🤖 Want to see a Personalized Demo for your company? — 4.3% average conversion rate. See how the Software segment is more to the point. This is necessary because most people visit the site to learn about the product and schedule a demo.

🤖 Want to know how much your Project will cost? — 3.9% conversion rate.

Communications Segment (Telephony and Internet)

Telephony and Internet are related to providers and telecommunications services.

Different regions of Brazil have different services.

According to the TIC Providers Survey conducted in 2021 and disclosed by EXAME, there are already more than 12,000 providers in the country, the majority of them on a small scale, operating in few municipalities.

The scenario is therefore highly competitive. Companies in this segment need extra help to generate more leads and close more plans.

See what the chatbot messages with the highest conversion rate in the segment are:

🤖 Can I help you find the best internet plan? — 4.5% conversion rate.

🤖 Want a high-speed fiber optic internet with local support? — 4.5% conversion rate.

🤖 How about a special discount? — 4.4% conversion rate.

Financial Segment

According to the Panorama, the Financial segment ranks third in overall conversion rate — averaging 4%.

At the same time, even with this excellent indicator, it’s still crucial to work on chatbot messages that will take you even further in it.

Once again, the focus here is on consultative and personalized approaches, with a consumer-centric focus. This is what generates more leads and more sales over time.

Let’s see examples of chatbot messages in the financial segment:

🤖 Let’s discover the ideal service for your needs? 🙂 — 6.6% average conversion. Note the use of the emoji here. We always recommend using them as they convey more personalization and increase conversion rates.

🤖 Find out if you’re paying abusive interest rates in 5 minutes — 6.5% conversion. Once again, practicality combined with a specific service.

🤖 Would you like to create your budget in 5 min? — 6.6% conversion.

Educational Segment

The educational segment is intermediate in lead generation: according to the panorama, its average conversion rate is 3.76%.

Here we’re analyzing primary and secondary schools, universities, technical and vocational courses, language schools, etc.

Once again, the best chatbot messages were those that presented successful characteristics we’ve seen so far: personalized, consultative, and straight to the point approaches.

Let’s see the chatbot messages that convert the most in this segment:

🤖 Want to discover the Ideal Course for you? 😀 — 5.7% average conversion.

🤖 Want to know more about the method? — 5.5% average conversion.

🤖 Want to receive a personalized proposal for enrollment? — 5.4% average conversion.

Sales of Goods and Services Segment

Here we are dealing with companies that produce their own customized products or sell services also tailored for businesses and individuals.

This is the most popular sector in Brazil today. Most businesses are in this segment. It is also the second best in terms of conversions: 4.02% on average.

The focus here, as in all other examples, is on the consumer first. Offering a consultative and personalized experience is essential.

The personalized approach itself, as you’ve seen throughout the article, lies in meeting your visitor where they are. If they arrived at the site through a product ad, for example, mention that product in your flow.

Let’s see examples of chatbot messages in the Goods and Services segment:

🤖 Want to know more about the recommended solutions for you? — 4.1% conversion.

🤖 Would you like to know more about (product name)? — 4.2% average conversion.

🤖 Would you like a special price negotiation? — 4.2% average conversion.

30 Marketing Chatbot Messages We Use at Leadster

You deserve a bonus for sticking with me this far, right? 😅

That’s why I’ve put together 30 more examples of chatbot messages from the SaaS segment, which is our own.

These are messages we use here at Leadster: all were taken from flows that are live today or have been at some point in our work.

To make the list longer and give you a deeper insight into how we create our copies, I brought a big list without specifying which ones are the best in terms of conversion.

‼️Important: these are our calls, so they are specifically about the services we offer. They serve as a model, so you should adapt them to your segment.

See now 30 proven examples of chatbot messages:

🤖 Would you like to see a free demonstration of Leadster on your website? 😄

🤖 Need to improve your results with copy? Here you learn how!

🤖 Hey, psst! Want to learn how to Create Texts that Sell?

🤖 Want to Increase Your Agency’s Client Results?

🤖 Want to see a Personalized Demonstration for your company?

🤖 Would you like a special pricing negotiation?

🤖 Let’s discover which service is ideal for your needs?

🤖 How about a special discount?

🤖 Want to know how (insert the main benefit of your product/service)?

🤖 Hello! Want to have more leads reaching the Bottom of the Funnel? 🔥

🤖 Want to increase your franchise’s results? 📈

🤖 Want to increase your small business’s results? 📈

🤖 Hi! Want to better leverage your website traffic? 💸

🤖 Want to download the Infographic [NAME] for free?

🤖 Want to learn a strategy to increase Lead Generation? 👀

🤖 Want to learn a new strategy to boost sales on Black Friday? 👀

🤖 Hello! Want to improve your Marketing Metrics and Indicators? 📊

🤖 Want to see how easy it is to chat with a chatbot? 😄

🤖 Hi! Would you like to Optimize your website’s Conversion? 🚀

🤖 Want to generate more leads with Conversational Marketing? 😃

🤖 Could you answer a quick survey?

🤖 Want to talk to our team and learn more about Leadster? 🚀

🤖 Want a Free Floating WhatsApp Button for your Website? 😄

🤖 Want to receive a Personalized Proposal for your company?

🤖 Join +60,000 professionals and receive exclusive content!

🤖 Want to receive a reminder when the Scheduling feature is available?

🤖 Want to find out what type of Marketing Professional you are?

🤖 Want to receive more content on Lead Generation?

🤖 Want to access the Lead Generation Overview 2021 for free?

🤖 Have questions and want to know why Leadster is the best choice for your site to generate more leads?

Ultimately, there’s no magic formula for creating chatbot messages. It all depends on your audience.

The templates we’ve shown above work within this perspective. It works for us because we’ve learned about our target audience through many tests and trials.

I bet you already have all you need to start creating your chatbot messages, right?

So let’s start working today!

We have a free 14-day trial here at Leadster, no credit card required. Let’s get to it? Just click on the link and start today!

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