Middle of the Funnel – What it Is and How to Create Content

Your strategy for the Top of the Sales Funnel worked, and now users have moved on to the next phase: the Middle of the Funnel.

The intermediate part of the sales stage is just as important as the Top and Bottom of the Funnel.

Many may underestimate it, but they are making a big mistake by doing so.

That’s why Leadster has prepared this article for you to understand what the Middle of the Funnel is, its importance, and the types of content necessary for this stage.

What is the Middle of the Funnel?

The Middle of the Funnel (MoFu) can be seen as the moment of user conversion; it is the bridge that connects the initial interest (top) with the final stage, the sale (bottom).

The goal of MoFu is to maintain the potential customer’s interest by nurturing the existing relationship with the business, showing them the problem they are facing in more depth, and increasing their confidence in the service/product offered.

The phases of the marketing funnel can also be related to the stages of the consumer journey, as shown in the image below:

Understand the Objectives of the Middle of the Funnel

In the middle of the sales funnel, you should focus on the following objectives:

  • Lead nurturing
  • Monitoring purchase intent
  • Establishing brand loyalty by creating advocates

All of these relate to the customer relationship; in other words, the main goal of this stage is to keep the user interested in your business, further understanding the problem they are facing, and moving toward the purchase moment, the bottom of the funnel.

Read also: Leadster Tips: How to Qualify a Lead Generated with Leadster?

The Importance of the Middle of the Funnel

As mentioned above, the middle of the funnel is the bridge between the beginning and the end of the sales funnel, and its purpose is to allow the customer journey to flow smoothly.

However, there are essential points highlighted by Middle of the Funnel content to ensure that the purchase occurs. Let’s look at them!

Provides More Information

If your company wants to deepen its relationship with the customer, there’s nothing better than making them increasingly aware of the problem they face; this way, they will trust your business more and, consequently, provide you with more information.

With the information received, you will be able to create personalized content for your lead, aimed directly at what they are looking for.

In summary, this is a two-way street; by providing relevant content to your potential customer, they will continue with your company, providing more information, and in turn, you will create personalized content.

Overcomes Objections

In the Middle of the Funnel, you address all the “what ifs” that your lead has right at the beginning of their customer journey.

At the top of the funnel, the user didn’t even know what they needed; that’s when your company comes into play.

Once they reach the middle of the funnel, the company will work on their purchase intent, generating more interest and increasing their confidence.

Increases Closing Chances

From the quality and personalized content created for the middle of the funnel, your lead will become increasingly interested in your company as they feel more secure and knowledgeable about the subject.

Thus, the chances of closing a sale are high.

Why Invest in Middle of the Funnel Content?

Middle of the Funnel content enhances communication with potential customers, improving the relationship with them and providing greater credibility and trust for the company.

From Middle of the Funnel strategies, you can:

  • Provide more information about your company;
  • Increase traffic to the utilized channels;
  • Address potential objections;
  • Capture more qualified leads;
  • Direct purchases.

Read also: How to Reduce Response Time to Leads to Increase Sales and Customer Satisfaction.

How to Create Content for the Middle of the Funnel?

Content aimed at the middle of the funnel should not be as technical as that of the bottom of the funnel but needs to be more detailed and informative compared to the top.

You should also focus your content on the following formats:

Blog Posts

At this stage, articles should be more in-depth and detailed but without overly technical language.

Invest in rich information, examples, and real data.


Newsletters should be personalized, containing information that is relevant to each customer.

Take the opportunity to talk a bit about your company and the products or services offered.

E-books or Whitepapers

E-books correspond to longer, detailed content and serve to clarify customers’ doubts.

They can be provided in PDF format in exchange for the user offering new qualification information.

Whitepapers are intermediate content; they are not as short as a blog article but not as long as an e-book. This format is more data-focused and uses direct language.


Create checklists for your users; this way, you help them with organization, task counting, and planning.

Design a template that reflects your business and provide it for free to interested parties.

Comparative Guides

Create comparison tables highlighting advantages and disadvantages of your business, focusing on the points that differentiate you from competitors.

However, always remember not to shift the focus of the content: your goal is to inform and assist in the user’s decision, not just to promote your business.

Demonstration Videos

Show how your product/service works by demonstrating step by step.

This way, your potential customer feels more immersed in your service, facilitating their understanding.

Case Studies

How does your company work to meet your customer’s needs?

This is a question many users have, so take advantage of your business’s success stories to show how everything was done, addressing the doubts of your visitors.

We have reached the end of another article about the Sales Funnel!

Make sure you use those strategies to generate more leads. And don’t forget: even though leads go through the funnel in stages, they can appear to you at any stage.

You will have BoFu, MoFu and ToFu leads beign generated, not only BoFu leads that end up becoming more and more qualified.

How do you approach those leads? Do you have a chatbot installed on your website?

Test Leadster today for 14 days, no credit card required, and start making the best out of everyone who enters your site.

Thanks for reading!

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