What to do in the Bottom of the Funnel

Your lead has gone through the top, middle, and is finally reaching the bottom of the sales funnel.

The goal of the bottom of the funnel is to convert your lead into a customer.

So, what now?

With that in mind, we’ve prepared content strategies to help your company at this stage.

Read the article to learn more!

What is the Bottom of the Funnel?

The bottom of the funnel is the last stage of the Marketing and Sales Funnel, where your lead decides to purchase your product or service.

At this point, it’s assumed that the user understands their problem and need and is just studying what solutions exist before making their choice.

That’s why the content aimed at the bottom of the funnel is essential—it gives a “push” to finally make the sale happen.

The stages of the marketing funnel can also be related to the phases of the customer journey, as shown in the image below:

The funnel stages can be linked to the phases of the customer journey.

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What Are the Characteristics of the Bottom of the Funnel?

Unlike top-of-the-funnel content, where you’re introducing the subject to the user, providing details, and explaining everything from the beginning, the bottom of the funnel is much more focused on your customer’s needs because they already know what they want and just need to make the final decision.

The content at the bottom of the funnel is more focused on your company and, most importantly, the benefits it can offer the consumer.

The idea is to demonstrate that your company offers the right product and truly understands the customer’s pain points.

At this stage, your business should address the lead’s doubts, overcome objections, and highlight your unique selling points, guiding your customer towards the solution—your product or service.

Why Produce Content for the Bottom of the Funnel?

Besides being the final push for the lead to become your customer, bottom-of-the-funnel content educates the user even more, as it is more focused and detailed.

Your lead can become an expert on the problem they are facing, allowing them to make the best decision to meet their need.

At this point, the communication takes on a more “advertising” tone—show them that your business is the best option!

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Benefits of Investing in the Bottom of the Funnel

The main benefit of investing in bottom-of-the-funnel strategies is increasing the conversion of leads into customers for your business.

If you help users better understand their problems and needs by providing rich, informative, and diverse content, they will be much more qualified to make a purchase decision.

And by having qualified leads, you make the sales process even smoother, helping your entire company team.

With that said, take advantage of the bottom of the funnel to reinforce your authority and credibility in the market, so users won’t hesitate to choose your service.

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What Questions Should Be Answered at This Stage?

Even if your lead already knows more about the topic, questions will still arise, especially since they precede an important decision.

Therefore, be prepared to answer all the questions while reinforcing your brand’s credibility.

During the leads’ inquiries, take the opportunity to emphasize certain points, such as:

  • Show how the company works: Detail your process and show a step-by-step approach. Users feel more secure when they understand how everything works;
  • Highlight success stories: There’s nothing better than illustrating your business with successful customer cases. This not only shows how the process works in practice but also increases your authority;
  • Offer product or service demonstrations: Create materials that showcase your product/service and reveal how it works; and
  • Focus on your company’s advantages over the competition: Emphasize why they should choose you over competitors offering the same services. Don’t leave your customer in doubt.

Key Tips for Creating an Effective Bottom-of-the-Funnel Strategy

Your lead is already in the final stage of the sales funnel, so it’s crucial to implement the best strategies to avoid losing the sale.

With that in mind, we’ve put together some tips for you to create a great content strategy for the bottom of the funnel.

Check them out!

Be as Personal as Possible

If you offer increasingly personalized and unique communication to your lead, they will feel more welcomed and understood.

As a result, they’ll feel more comfortable choosing your company.

Provide Experiences

Allow your lead to experience part of your product so they can test and better evaluate what your business is offering.

Moreover, once they see that it works, the likelihood of closing a deal with your company is much higher.

Increase Interaction with the Products

Provide as much information as possible about the product. Show it in action—whether through videos, social media demonstrations, or usage tutorials.

Always Follow Up

Show that your company cares about each user. Be present, answer questions, interact, and understand each user’s limits.

Leverage customer testimonials

Already have success stories? 

Don’t keep them hidden—bring them to light!

Take full advantage of testimonials and reviews from current or past clients, as they add even more credibility to your product/service.

Create more Technical Content

Offering more technical content doesn’t mean it should be hard to understand—just more detailed.

Add valuable information for your lead that facilitates their learning and makes their decision easier.

Encourage engagement

Utilize other communication channels, whether through social media, email, or YouTube—stay active.

By being more present on these other contact points, you can build a relationship with your audience and be remembered when it’s time to make a purchase decision.

Read more: How to Use Lead Tracking in Your Marketing Strategy

Create more Targeted Content

Produce personalized content for each client. Send them articles, e-books, videos, and posts that make sense for the problem they’re facing.

This shows that your company doesn’t see them as just another customer but cares about their pain points.

Reinforce your Company’s Authority

Once again, emphasize your business’s uniqueness.

What are the advantages and benefits of your company compared to others?

Highlight how long you’ve been in the market, your success stories, your value proposition, and your unique selling points.

Offer Promotions or Bonuses

Since the lead is at the end of the customer journey, sometimes what’s missing for them to close the deal is a small “sweetener.”

By sweetener, we mean a discount, free shipping, coupon, or any offer that gives them that extra incentive to close the deal.

Content Formats for the Bottom of the Funnel

Finally, to put all these tips and strategies into action, it’s essential to know which content formats are most suitable and effective at the bottom of the funnel.

Here they are!

Product Catalog

With a product catalog, you can provide all the information your customer needs.

In it, you can include images, descriptions, codes, prices, and even additional information.

For this, you can create a specific landing page or a PDF document to send to your leads.

Free Evaluation

With a free evaluation, both you and your lead benefit, as they will have a step-by-step experience of your product or service, and your company will showcase its expertise, further reinforcing your authority.

Demo Request

In addition to demo requests, you can offer tests, free samples, or even a quote request.

If your lead can test your product or service, the decision to purchase might come more easily.

Discount Coupons, Promotions, Free Shipping

As mentioned earlier, sometimes what’s missing for your lead to make a purchase is a “gesture” — meaning any action that helps them save money or feel special.

Success Stories

Interview your customers and create success stories. 

You can ask them questions like:

  • Why did you choose our company?
  • How did our product/service solve your problem?
  • What obstacles did you face before knowing us?
  • Would you recommend us to others?

With just these questions, you can create an excellent success story to promote your business.

Webinars and Videos

This type of content helps you connect with your users, whether on social media, blogs, or YouTube.

Webinars tend to be more informative, while videos can bring more engagement.


E-books will further educate your audience since they are rich in information and technical details.

Remember: the more educated your lead, the more qualified they become, as they already understand the problem they are facing, and consequently, the chances of closing a deal with your company increase.

Now that you understand the importance of the bottom of the sales funnel and how to create strategies and articles for it, there’s no better time to put it into practice, right?

Also, be sure to check out more articles like this one on the Leadster blog!

We also have a free trial you can use to start capturing BoFu leads today. It’s free and no credit card required.

Thanks for reading!

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