What is a Chatbot Flowchart? How to Create One?
A chatbot flowchart, or a chatbot flow, determines what the chatbot says and when. As chatbots evolve, they become more and more necessary.
A chatbot flowchart, or a chatbot flow, determines what the chatbot says and when. As chatbots evolve, they become more and more necessary.
With the emergence of ChatGPT a few years ago, a new type of chatbot also appeared: smart chatbots. These chatbots are, as you might imagine, quite advanced. ChatGPT itself, for example, is a chatbot. The engine behind ChatGPT is its Natural Language Processing model — GPT-4. What smart chatbots deliver is a similar experience but…
What do you do to generate qualified leads? You could be doing way more. But what, exactly? Find out today.
The sales follow-up is a crucial stage in any marketing funnel. Learn more about it today.
What is pre-sales? And how can it improve your actual sales? Find out more today in this article.
Check out some Landing Page Examples to understand what you need to do to really start converting more today.
Qualified lead generation is something you do every day. Or you should be doing it everyday, at least. Learn more about it.
The conversion funnel is a very simple way to organize very complex tasks in digital marketing. Learn more about it and get your sales going.
Lead Tracking is fundamental in digital marketing. You need to know a bunch of things. Especially how close to a sale you are.
What’s up with inside sales in 2025? Well, it’s extremely developed these days. And it’s been bringing amazing results.
We list the best (and the rest too) landing page tools in the market. They can creat simple LPs to full blown websites. Check it out.
Attraction Marketing is also a different name for Inbound Marketing. You might have heard of it. It’s pretty much digital marketing in a nutshell.
What is an ERP system? A little bit of everything you need in your company. Find out more today.
Keyword research is easier than you think. It’s just a lot of work. Find out more in today’s article.
Let’s find out whats the best adtech platform out there: Google Ads or Facebook Ads. Spoiler: they’re both great.
This is one of the oldest tricks in the copywrtiting book, and yet the AIDA framework is still one of the most popular ways to write good copy.
What are the most basic costumer pain points, those that are shared by everyone? Find out in today’s article.
What’s a pop-up? Everybody knows that, right? But here’s a bunch of other things you didn’t know about pop-ups.
What is a brand persona? It’s pretty much how the people who interact with your brand perceives it. Let’s dig a little deeper.
Sales cadence is achieved when you can safely predict how many sales you’ll have in a determined period. Is this even possible? Oh yes.