Marketing 5.0 explained: applying it to ALL businesses

Marketing 5.0 explained: applying it to ALL businesses

Marketing 5.0 is yet another classification by the great traditional and digital marketing guru, Philip Kotler.  Despite sounding new, the truth is that the term was coined during the pandemic, back in 2021.  Note: “back in 2021” seems to be an exaggeration, as it has only been 3 years since the book was released.  But the truth…

The 20 Best Marketing Techniques – that will actually help you attract more customers

The 20 Best Marketing Techniques – that will actually help you attract more customers

The market can constantly change, but marketing techniques will always accompany your company, especially if you want to improve your results. Let’s be honest, you don’t need to focus all your investment on the most expensive strategies; instead, bet on the right techniques. Therefore, we have listed here the 20 best marketing techniques that will…

AI in Digital Marketing – 30 useful examples
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AI in Digital Marketing – 30 useful examples

According to data from Statista, the current value of the AI ​​market , almost 100 billion dollars, is estimated to grow twenty-fold by 2030, reaching almost two trillion US dollars .  As we already know, this sector affects several other areas. We’re talking everything from supplies, healthcare, entertainment, to marketing, analytics and retail. Therefore, there is nothing better than…

ChatGPT Prompts for Marketing: 50 examples for B2B and B2C
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ChatGPT Prompts for Marketing: 50 examples for B2B and B2C

ChatGPT prompts for marketing are the basic way to make Artificial Intelligence work for your team. But there is much more to them than just that. The system almost has its own personality. In fact, it can have several, it all depends on what you ask and how that question is asked. It’s almost like…